An Afternoon Song


A walk in late afternoon
Solitude would be vague,
I shared the company with a song bird
Spring colors around, water took the bait

Wind and water playing little games,
Tiny waves everywhere and Sun too joined in,
Scintillating ripples and scattered diamonds
Wish I could just touch them

The peace, the depth
The sparkles, the hope
The life, the joy
The me, the Might

The Questions, with no answers
Whispers in the breeze, Don’t hold on..
without them you are better,
One day, the clock will be yours
And with closure will they return

The birdie finished it’s song
enlivened under the Sun,
my thoughts trailed back to world
The next minute may not change
But I will have my dauntless heart.

What Does A Wait Sound Like ?

Hello Everyone,in these few weeks,I am going through extremely busy/hard times.I will be sporadically coming online in WP,please excuse me as I won’t be able to catch up with you sooner 😦

What Does A Wait Sound Like ?

Mistakes echo in my ears
Till my eyes brim with tears
I watch as efforts fade into oblivion
Where’s the Door of Salvation

Errors are part of life
Did they think twice
Before delivering the trite
That they can become a whole life

Relentless fighting with happy outcomes
Yet no takers cause it’s faults that counts
I can be more than me
A chance is all you have to give

Somehow my face or my words
And you forget, was I even there..
Every new beginning needs a footstone to start
Only now it seems covered with mosses and dirt

Dare I hope ?
Against all the opposing winds so far
My clothes are soiled but inside I am still the person
Tell Me Oh God, will I see the rising Sun ?



Happy New Year 2015 !!!

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Yesterday was full of
Some happy party moments
With my dear old gems
The dawn today is about
Wishing hope and joys
To old and new friends

A bit foolish of me
That I forgot few names,
You understood and forgave
And we talked again about dreams

It is not a write up
To cover my tracks,
Thanks for reminding me
That you were always in my hearts

May the earth see greener pastures
May the humanity see love conquer over wars
May this New Year make all your dreams come true
Prosperity and joys be always with you. 🙂

A Token Of Thank You


Time full of moments,
A year full of events,
Some brought cheers,
Some got my eyes brimming with tears

No time for tears today,
Spreading smiles and love
A big hug to friends I made
I celebrate my WordPress of 5 months

Let’s read a small story
Starting with a dame called Scifihammy
Smiles, surprises and happiness we shared
First friend and forever there
I thank you for all the love and care

Nhien & ladysighs,
Sometimes joy, sometimes pain
Made my world full of emotions
With their beautiful songs

FaburKhloe, a breath of fresh sweet air
Is she Winnie-the-Pooh, I wonder..
Eachday I hear our giggles in wind
Tinkling like little chimes

Sucheta & Trablogger,
We like to talk and talk and talk
While Sucheta I share our love for food and more
Picture perfect Trablog gives tips of abstinence and wander!

Violet writes comics
Chopstix write recipes,
Thank you for the delightful treats
Loved the beautiful stories and some heavenly delicacies

Crooked tracks wishes for Snow and more snow
Aditix’s visual delights are a rare sight
It’s fun to see Mrs.Bearfoot’s farm visits
Ouachita wishes in woods for an early spring

Garfield loves hugs and prayers
With a soul who feel for others
Ishkishmish as sweet as her name
Brings joys with ‘Smile project’
on a day mundane

Me in 8 inch heel versus unbolt in gumboots
A dance awaits this New year
I would have spared her feet
but she made me step on a spider

As a new year approaches
A token of Thank You to all
Sorry if I left out a friend
But do forgive and forget
As friendship never ends

A wish, a prayer
For a new tomorrow
Bidding farewell for a year about to leave
Thanking for the beautiful moments it gave me
New dreams,new hopes at the door,
With a happy heart
I wish you Happy New Year !

Special thanks to Eti whom I met briefly few days back and she happily posed for me . And without her,I wouldn’t have got this New Year Special 😀

Happy New Year to You Eti ! ❤


Hyd (130)

The Walls tell a tale
of a love,of bravery and wars
Time has crumbled inside,
Stories untold,songs never heard

The thrill a king felt
when he saw love’s refulgent face
at the little window on top
on a full moon night
How the Queen held her tears
and sent the king to battle
with a radiant smile

Secret tunnels for lover’s rendezvous
Secret paths that lead to death
And trees where a soldier hid
For a glance of princess and friends

‘Its time to return’ a voice said
A dream or voices in the wind ?
Ruins that were glorious in their prime
Now they hold mysteries with passage of time..


Hyd (131)

P.S Don’t forget check out ColorPalette today for some more pictures of these ruins.This poem is based on the Photo101 theme ‘mystery’

A Penny for your Portrait ?

Glancing at the pigeons and passerby
I sit in a nook of the main square
A chunk of charcoal and some sheets of papers
A penny for your portrait ?
Once upon a time,
I used to play with colors
Paintings of animals, birds, people and trees
Beautiful they were but not the name behind it
I followed the footsteps
Of those whose art pieces hung in the museums
For a few more coins
I sold my soul to the Hades of imitations
Finally, the sound of clinking
But where was the salvation ?
The bread made my mouth sweeter
The heart grew bitter and bitter
The dreams are monotone
I paint the world on fire, I watch it burn to cinders
Somewhere inside me, I hear the devil’s guffaws
I wake up to find it echoed further
A last effort for me to thrive
A last effort to find the light
Oh Sir,Madam; Pray, a little time ?
A penny, only a penny for your portrait ?

Reverberations Of My Heart

A life on a string
Melodies float into the air
Sometimes pouring in the story of my heart
or to entice someone to buy one of these
Each day I search for a place
Not aiming the world but this small fair
Around me I see shimmering colors and things
Strangers come and go
Invisible the colorless me
Will I sell a piece or two ?
Each morning the family’s affright
The debt never ends nor does the hunger
I never return empty handed
The same basket full to brim, Pockets remain light
I play the music that unfolds in the wind
Some listen for a moment or click a photo of me
The ragged me as antique, my Ektaras* still in the basket,
and we all sit there
waiting…..waiting for a buyer
* Ektara= a musical instrument made of one string used by Rajasthani folk musicians(refer image)


Acid Attacks


(No random likes please)
Preface-Newspapers are mostly full of politics, problems and advertisements of every kind. Its really one of the best news I came across recently,5 Acid Attack survivors doing a photo shoot. A proud moment it was for them, the country and every other survivor of such mishaps. They dared to show what the society has tried to turn away their eyes from. Its time to realize the beauty that lies in them, to find the humanity within us.   (consists of images which may be disturbing for some,click accordingly)


Where did I go wrong?
When I didn’t return the smiles of a 40 year man
I was hardly 15, had I no will of my own?

It happened one day
Returning to my home, with my friends
Chatting about the movie we just saw
Acting the parts of the heroine we loved
Yes,we were the beautiful and best in our dream world

And then he came, hollered some cruddy words,
I felt a splash on my face
The next moment my world started burning in pain

For years I was lost
No more dreams where I was the Miss World
As I struggled to find my lips,my nose,my hair

The words faded away,
I was hiding for it was meant to be
‘So sad’ is what they said in disgust and horror
before turning away

One day I woke up
To begin another day of exile
When suddenly I saw
Who were the ladies in the newspaper with all smiles?
Was it me or was another reflection?

I saw them laughing wearing those beautiful robes
How they posed like a movie poster
I couldn’t discern the lines anymore
For I felt years of anguish flowing through my tears

I opened my wardrobe
It took a while to find the forgotten treasure
I saw myself again in mirror, determined
The red,golden dupatta over my head
A smile escaped my lips
The reflection was a picture of elegance

© ady roundWorldnMe
Image Courtesy-The Hindu NewsPaper

The Rise


The sweet smell of success
like no other fragrance known,
when the goal is here
seems more radiant
than the sun of dawn…

Many times the feet faltered
Countless time I fell to get up,
The tear stains of yesterday
are still on my cheeks,
but yes finally
its with joy that the face beams…

Sometimes desolation and again longing
for parted friends and gone springs,
Heart heavy with things undone,
Alas!If a second chance could come..
Yet today the heart is light
with peace & delight
for if missed something
an assurance is there
that many good ones will come later..

If thorns pricked my feet
roses soothe them now,
If the mist prevailed
shades are clearing..
A realization comes to my mind,
If success gives a support
Failures test a human being….


© ady roundWorldnMe

disclaimer–The Featured image is not mine.It is taken from


The Paper Memories


I saw him scribbling,

I wondered what ?

He said,I am pouring my heart out

May be I too should do that


I asked him

Who will listen to you ?

He said the paper took in all in

Where can I find a better absorber


I then pondered

What will happen to it ?

He said these thoughts came into my mind

imprinted on the paper

Tomorrow newer ones will come

I will be doing it over.


I asked again

this paper someday will perish

What if you don’t remember

He laughed and said

Thats what life means

You remember some,you will forget some

You shouldn’t mourn over the moments gone,

For there will be many more to garner.


© ady roundWorldnMe

Little Dreams

The Twinkle in the small eyes
open up to an ocean,
Rolling like waves,they come and go
those sweet dreams..

Not earthly at times,
Wonders dwelling in fairyland
thinking of good and peace chimes
hoping for a wishing star in hand.

Those little hearts
hiding the scars left by the wounds
deep,brutal in a cruel spell of time.

Little hopes,little dreams
Yet life is so unkind
for big wishes are answered
& the tiny ones……….
for who cares
to give a moment to trifle matters.

Those small,sweet dreams,
with a vigor of love,luck,hopes,fear
Pah! those big ones
unidirectional,cold and sour.

Why don’t we dream
to give a little to those little dreams
Million candles not worth,
for each face that shone,
The pleasure in heart,I realize
for each heart delighted
one cannot fathom…..


© ady roundWorldnMe