An Afternoon Song


A walk in late afternoon
Solitude would be vague,
I shared the company with a song bird
Spring colors around, water took the bait

Wind and water playing little games,
Tiny waves everywhere and Sun too joined in,
Scintillating ripples and scattered diamonds
Wish I could just touch them

The peace, the depth
The sparkles, the hope
The life, the joy
The me, the Might

The Questions, with no answers
Whispers in the breeze, Don’t hold on..
without them you are better,
One day, the clock will be yours
And with closure will they return

The birdie finished it’s song
enlivened under the Sun,
my thoughts trailed back to world
The next minute may not change
But I will have my dauntless heart.

21 Replies to “An Afternoon Song”

  1. You nailed it sweetie!!! Truly a beautiful poem with so much going on…I specially loved the part where you wrote “The next minute may not change But I will have my dauntless heart.” Please write more and keep clicking stunning picture like this if you are free. We just love love love it!!! ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Sadly. .. Not yet. Still snow on the ground. We should see something in about a month. 😃 Counting the days!

        Liked by 1 person

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