Little Dreams

The Twinkle in the small eyes
open up to an ocean,
Rolling like waves,they come and go
those sweet dreams..

Not earthly at times,
Wonders dwelling in fairyland
thinking of good and peace chimes
hoping for a wishing star in hand.

Those little hearts
hiding the scars left by the wounds
deep,brutal in a cruel spell of time.

Little hopes,little dreams
Yet life is so unkind
for big wishes are answered
& the tiny ones……….
for who cares
to give a moment to trifle matters.

Those small,sweet dreams,
with a vigor of love,luck,hopes,fear
Pah! those big ones
unidirectional,cold and sour.

Why don’t we dream
to give a little to those little dreams
Million candles not worth,
for each face that shone,
The pleasure in heart,I realize
for each heart delighted
one cannot fathom…..


© ady roundWorldnMe

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