A Penny for your Portrait ?

Glancing at the pigeons and passerby
I sit in a nook of the main square
A chunk of charcoal and some sheets of papers
A penny for your portrait ?
Once upon a time,
I used to play with colors
Paintings of animals, birds, people and trees
Beautiful they were but not the name behind it
I followed the footsteps
Of those whose art pieces hung in the museums
For a few more coins
I sold my soul to the Hades of imitations
Finally, the sound of clinking
But where was the salvation ?
The bread made my mouth sweeter
The heart grew bitter and bitter
The dreams are monotone
I paint the world on fire, I watch it burn to cinders
Somewhere inside me, I hear the devilā€™s guffaws
I wake up to find it echoed further
A last effort for me to thrive
A last effort to find the light
Oh Sir,Madam; Pray, a little time ?
A penny, only a penny for your portrait ?

13 Replies to “A Penny for your Portrait ?”

      1. My daughter only arrives in a few weeks – but I have lots of Spring cleaning to do! – and my internet is just too slow šŸ˜¦ I don’t have the time – or the patience! But I will always check out your blog when I can šŸ™‚

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Oh !!!!! long wait, When I am about to go home,I am jumpy(happy jumps) …I guess you must be busy and excited the same way šŸ˜€ Spring cleaning !!!! Toughest word that too associated with “spring” šŸ˜‰

        Liked by 1 person

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