
Acid Attacks


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Preface-Newspapers are mostly full of politics, problems and advertisements of every kind. Its really one of the best news I came across recently,5 Acid Attack survivors doing a photo shoot. A proud moment it was for them, the country and every other survivor of such mishaps. They dared to show what the society has tried to turn away their eyes from. Its time to realize the beauty that lies in them, to find the humanity within us.

http://edition.cnn.com/2014/08/20/world/asia/india-acid-attacks-photo-shoot/   (consists of images which may be disturbing for some,click accordingly)


Where did I go wrong?
When I didn’t return the smiles of a 40 year man
I was hardly 15, had I no will of my own?

It happened one day
Returning to my home, with my friends
Chatting about the movie we just saw
Acting the parts of the heroine we loved
Yes,we were the beautiful and best in our dream world

And then he came, hollered some cruddy words,
I felt a splash on my face
The next moment my world started burning in pain

For years I was lost
No more dreams where I was the Miss World
As I struggled to find my lips,my nose,my hair

The words faded away,
I was hiding for it was meant to be
‘So sad’ is what they said in disgust and horror
before turning away

One day I woke up
To begin another day of exile
When suddenly I saw
Who were the ladies in the newspaper with all smiles?
Was it me or was another reflection?

I saw them laughing wearing those beautiful robes
How they posed like a movie poster
I couldn’t discern the lines anymore
For I felt years of anguish flowing through my tears

I opened my wardrobe
It took a while to find the forgotten treasure
I saw myself again in mirror, determined
The red,golden dupatta over my head
A smile escaped my lips
The reflection was a picture of elegance

© ady roundWorldnMe
Image Courtesy-The Hindu NewsPaper

8 Replies to “Elegance”

  1. Ady, your poem “Elegance” is brave and defiant. You show that there is more to beauty than the outer appearance only. In this poem, you could be the girl whose face has been disfigured by the cruel action of another human; a stranger to whom you had done nothing but been present at that moment. You say ‘It was meant to be’, perhaps to give you a deeper understanding of yourself, and therefore of others. To see beyond the glamor. Finally your courage led you to see yourself, still dressed in your finery, (for the true beauty still exists) in a mirror, and yes, just as this poem, which is about something ugly, is truly elegant and triumphant. So are you. A touching poem of self-recognition and overcoming injustice by rising above what others think or expect. The true self-love that dares stand alone to shine like a flame.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes,usually I write only when I feel stimulated or inspired by something around me,(seems like my inner fire needs a push),..but when I cam across this news,I was moved by it and thought over it a lot,how lives have changed around us in a bitter way and what courage it takes to bring out the inner beauty inside oneself… I am glad you liked this one… 🙂

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  2. So unspeakable an ordeal to suffer. When your face is gone, you are judged. Makes me think of the children at the Red Cross hospital here who have suffered burns to their body and face. No-one sees the child any more, even though Doctors are doing great work with skin grafts and new skin. It takes courage to find your inner self once more.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes,in India Skin graft,plastic surgery etc are expensive processes so most of the victims remain the same.Further,once it happens people,even parents stop feeling the need to do help the girls…Maybe this move will result in something better…

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    2. This time I wanted to spread this message somehow but seems like its remaining in mute state unable to reach people.May be I should have stuck to a simple article.


      1. I think people are probably reading your poem and being moved, but don’t really know what to say. I like your poem, on a difficult subject. I like the positive ending and the smile 🙂 Don’t be discouraged. I find what I consider one of my better posts receiving hardly any notice, and one I put together in a moment getting lots of likes. It is arbitrary. You have to blog for yourself. And you can always re-blog this post later on when you have more followers 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Thanks Sci…I had started doubting if I am writing anything good or not,regarding followers,to be really honest,it feels like……remember your post… 😉
        For now,I am writing for myself and only 2-3 more people actually bother to read … Thanks a lot.. 🙂

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