Christmas Sweetened !

A small kid is angry with mom for some reason and he is sitting outside on a bench in a huff with a bag with the intention of going away. Grandfather comes and sits besides him and asks him,’Are you still angry with Mommy ?” The kid with puffed cheeks nods his head. Grandfather whispers,” But Mom is making hot Jalebis,I suppose we will eat that as you are going” Immediately the kid’s face lights up and he exclaims,”Jalebi !!” The next moment it is seen that Jalebis are being fried in oil and with nice background music the Grandfather and the kid are shown to return and the kid happily munching on Jalebis. 🙂

 This was no story but a TV commercial ! And it was about a certain brand of cooking oil. The ad did create a cute and happy feeling and increase the sales. As I was a kid then,my entire attention was on two things, those hot Jalebis and the tag line so that we kids could sing it( Dhaara Dhaara…Shuddh Dhaara !) 😀 . Sadly,mom was not influenced enough to make this advertisement an immediate reality !

 DSCN1628Since,it’s Christmas and last few days I have been looking at the Christmas recipes by fellow bloggers with ravenous look,I couldn’t just sit with mouth drooling every time. So,this Sunday, I relived my childhood by trying this for second time ( 1st trial was 2 years back and it’s better left unspoken !) Mom did made this few times as I got older,so I did remember the process vaguely and big thanks to internet(recipe).

The results were much much better this time 🙂 Beware,if anyone wishes to make it ,throw out the health book for a day ! And toughest part is making the swirls,so don’t worry if you get stars or world map instead, in the end taste rules !

So,here’s a Merry Christmas to everyone with tons of sweetness and cheer ! 😀


48 Replies to “Christmas Sweetened !”

  1. Jalebi?? Never tried it before but we have this in a spicy version we call murukus. I love murukus and it comes looking like your sweetened version but tasting like a crisp, salty. Interesting… 😀


    1. Yes,that’s crispy salty snack which lasts for long period.I love it too… Jalebis taste best when hot 🙂 I do hope they keep sugar amount low there.


  2. Happy holidays Ady!

    Those look really good! I’ve never seen Jalebi look delicate as you described, they normally look like fat lumpy swirls. Only way I can eat them is with a piece of chicken; otherwise the sweetness burns a hole in my stomach!

    Definitely going to check out that recipe.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you 🙂 If one makes them at home,they can reduce the sugar,at least that’s what I do. I am not much fond of sugar/salt in excess. Happy Holidays to you too 😀


  3. I tried once before, but I didn’t like much as it was too sweet for my taste. Although I don’t like it much, I enjoy watching people eating them. I guess it’s all because of their lovely shapes. They are seriously one of the prettiest sweets I’ve ever seen 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I too don’t like when they get too sugary. But vendors have to make them such to make them last longer in shop. If they are made at home, the density of sugar syrup can be adjusted. Mine were much less sugary so that I don’t feel like choking ! The swirls are really tantalizing 😀

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  4. moo may paanee! sticky hot : out of the karaaahii and into a newspaper *bag*, yum . … thanks for sharing recipe, hadn’t thought to make them in a kitchen kitchen . . . we always got them from a street vendor frying these outside in a humongous karaahii/cauldrony pot 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Unfortunately,I haven’t seen a vendor nearby (every is selling momos and noodles ! ) …. I so miss the chats also 😀 In my hometown,I get them the way you said,and those are heavenly !!! ❤ ❤

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  5. You must have a steady hand to make these! 👈 I looked at the recipe, these are similar to our ‘funnel cakes’ that are typically sold at fairs and festivals. We put powdered sugar on top. These are so yummy, however you’re asking for a big tummy ache if your finish the cake! 😩

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