Memories From My Home 2

The last time I talked about my hometown and nearby villages was in “Memories From My Home“. It was not only a longing I had in my heart with the pictures acting as my companion,it also became a joy in sharing it with the world,people from different countries liked to see a different part of the world !
I took a small road trip alone,so that I could stop anywhere in middle and take snaps.It was like seeing with a new pair of eyes,feeling the air and emotions for the first time.
I will divide my memories in few parts so that I can tell you more about my experiences and now I begin by saying,
‘Its green everywhere’ 🙂
With the increasing modernization & industrialization,no place has remain untouched,not even this village,however,farming still is the life and bread and so are these paddy fields.Standing there,I could breathe the balmy air and taste the green grass in it.
A group of women weeding out the paddy fields,not habituated of being photographed,they threw curious glances at me till I drove off 😉DSCN0990
I guess I went wrong somewhere with this one,wanted to get a good shot of this small but high current rivulet ,which rises every rainy season enough to halt the communication for days ! I was stranded once for around 8 hours before we crossed it with a heavy jeep full of people(so that we won’t be swept away).The water entered the jeep and we were drawn along the current,but thanks to the rope with which the mob at the opposite bank pulled us,we survived this 2AM experience.Believe me,without any lights except the jeep’s and few measly torches,the stream looked like a death warrant compared to the innocent,gurgling look now.

6 Replies to “Memories From My Home 2”

  1. That water doesn’t look innocent at all!
    I’ve been in a similar water situation yet this is in New York – the road I needed to pass for school was strait thru a marsh.
    Ugh – I was terrified when the car stalled; I know its nothing like your ordeal, but I can definitely sympathize.

    When you want to take photos of people without their noticing, keep the camera low, not at your face and try to either look somewhere else or seem friendly while pressing the shutter. I’ve captured many photos of homeless people this way without them noticing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. One can’t take any play with water,small or big, i feel it as an unknown,powerful territory 🙂 Thanks for the great tip bear,still learning the ropes and this is definitely going to help 🙂


  2. Wow – it really Is green 🙂 Nice to know there are still these natural places left. 🙂 As to the river, your photo shows quite a lot of movement going on there, so I can imagine it becomes treacherous after heavy rains. Your jeep crossing sounds scary! I look forward to more tales of your trip around your country 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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