
M Back !!! After some ‘Me’ time 😀 Did nothing much and the grey skies in winter were not fun friendly though. But apart from that devoted myself to indulge me 😀
Many Thanks and Hugs for the sweet likes and comments post my absence and just being there ❤ Boy,how did I miss you All !!!
And we meet on Saturday Science(GK ?, give me a good name for it anyone)
And today,it’s about COLORS (in a weird way) :-
  • Men & Women perceive the color ‘Red’ differently. Because the gene that detects red is present in X chromosome and women have two ‘X’ (XX) where as men have only one ‘X’ (XY) , hence women have twice better reception of red and its shades than men.(Morale: Never ask Men about what you look good in,unless you want the answer,”Everything looks good on you !” )
  • Our Universe has a color too ! The term used for color of universe is ‘Cosmic latte‘ . And the average color of our universe is beigeish white. ( And we saw the red/blue/bright whites in Space movies)
  • Yellow and Orange colors are appetite simulators. So, yellow food or yellow designed walls, and you wondered how did I slipped from diet !
  • Technically, Color may not exist at all. It is something created by our brains when it tries to process the overwhelming amount of information it receives. So, should you ever find yourself in a heated debate over color combinations with someone is simply colorblind or doesn’t know colors, keep in mind that it is a pointless argument and you’re both wrong. This is an actual philosophical debate of Qualia which is yet to be solved.
  • When you combine all the colors of light, you get ‘White’ color.
Time for another mini-quiz(it’s anonymous,so don’t stop guessing! ),answer next Saturday in Saturday Stories 😀

Have a great Weekend 😀

41 Replies to “Colors”

  1. Welcome back! Wow so many well wishers! When there becomes a excess of comments I begin to think there’s no point to comment unless to point out a grammatical or factoid mistake.

    Clarification – when you combine colors that are of a light source they all turn white. Combining colors of a pigment/paint will result in black.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are right 🙂 I was reading about white light when I wrote in flow so I guess I forgot to mention it in the context. I will rectify it now.Thanks !! 😀

      Regarding paints,I never considered them because they are not perfect and they are not homogenous solutions ,hence the particles/pigments present in them gives the paint colors and they will not individually change their color unless in some chemical reaction. Basic combining will make all the particles together and they will start absorbing all light wavelengths resulting in black/any color blotch as per combination. 🙂

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  2. Welcome back honey! 🙂 Very informative post that I adored ❤ I wouldn't know women actually perceive the color of red better than men until this post. I really love these kind of posts which are very interesting and teach me something new 😉 Keep it up sweetie!!! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you ❤ ❤ ❤ I am trying to return back to my former 'doubt girl' self. In school,my fav teachers called me this because I asked questions about anything and everything 😀 Learning about other things is fun again and I love to share it 😀

      Liked by 2 people

      1. You’re welcome 🙂 It’s good to ask questions and that’s the way to learn. I actually didn’t like to ask questions when I was a kid as I was too shy. But now I start to ask more as I know there is nothing wrong in asking questions 😛

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Welcome Back! I have missed you! Glad to hear you had a good break and looked after yourself 🙂
    Loved this post 🙂 I am always having disagreements with my daughter over colours, where we see red/orange, or blue/green differently. And I have to wait a whole week for the answer to your bubble quiz! Agh!!
    Don’t worry about trying to catch up on everything in WP! It is impossible, and everyone understands. 🙂 What you Can see in your Dashboard, is comments to you that you have not replied to. These should be orange with a bar down the side. WP seems to have changed the notifications Again, and I find it much harder to see what’s what.
    Happy Weekend Ady 🙂

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    1. I am grinning ears to ears after reading your words. Thank you 😀 😀 I am glad it helped in arguments or rather nullifying it altogether 😀 Now you know no one is right in this world 😉
      The changes in past few weeks,they are making it permanent even if it was not acknowledged, even Microsoft changed from Windows 8 to Windows 10 and admitted it was not computer friendly 😦

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Welcome back, very interesting post. Explains so many things, actually. I learnt that when I studied advertising, a million years ago: this tells you about the choice of colors at Mc Do (stimulating the appetite/ so you eat faster and want more) for instance… Or the dark red in libraries, as it is said to stimulate your intellect..

    Liked by 1 person

    1. lol !!!! It is an interesting idea PJ 😀 I will read this one out … I had no idea, but may be because equator is best for growth and evolution soil/climate wise,so it we might have originated from there, Black means we absorbed as much sunlight as we could 😉

      Liked by 1 person

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